Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

How to Flush the Radiator in a Nissan Maxima

Keeping a Nissan Maxima in top operating condition requires regular maintenance. For instance, the radiator requires flushing every other year. Otherwise, debris can accumulate in the coolant system and cause an engine to overheat. Doing this maintenance doesn't require much auto mechanic knowledge, just perform some simple steps.
Difficulty: Moderate
Things You'll Need
Distilled water
Sealable container
Long-sleeved shirt


Park the Nissan Maxima on a relatively level area and set the parking brake.

Open the hood and check the external temperature of the radiator. If it's warm to the touch, allow it to cool completely before you continue.

Turn the radiator cap one full revolution and then step back from the radiator. Wait for the pressure to release and then remove the radiator cap completely.

Position a bucket underneath the radiator directly below the Nissan Maxima's drain plug. This container will need at least a 2-gallon capacity to prevent overflow.

Loosen the drain plug and allow the old coolant to flow into the bucket. Once complete, pour the old coolant into a sealable container for proper disposal. Don't leave the coolant exposed as it's toxic to people and pets.

Secure the drain plug back to the closed position and fill the radiator with distilled water. Next, open the drain plug and allow the water to drain into the bucket. Keep repeating until the water draining is free of debris. Dispose of the flush water properly when finished.

Close the drain plug and refill the radiator with fresh coolant. Fill the radiator until it's within an inch of overflowing.

Start the engine of the Nissan Maxima and turn the heater to high. Allow it to run for about 10 minutes. Switch the engine off and check the coolant level. Add more coolant, if necessary. Finally, put the radiator cap back on and close the hood

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