To keep a Nissan Pathfinder operating at maximum efficiency, an owner should perform regularly scheduled maintenance on the vehicle, including flushing of the radiator. In order for the coolant system to operate effectively, you should flush the radiator every other year. To perform this task you only need the ability to follow a few steps.
Difficulty: Moderate
Things You'll Need
Distilled water
Sealable container
Crescent wrench
Park the Nissan Pathfinder on a level area and set the parking brake. Open the hood and touch the radiator. If the radiator is warm, wait for it to cool off before you continue.
Twist the radiator cap one full turn, step back from the radiator for a few seconds, and then completely remove the radiator cap. The first twist relieves the internal pressure of the radiator. You need to pause, because even if the radiator is cool to the touch, there can still be internal pressure.
Place a bucket directly beneath the radiator and under the drain plug. The drain plug on most Nissan Pathfinder models is on the passenger side bottom of the radiator. This bucket should have a capacity of at least 2 gallons.
Remove the radiator drain plug with a crescent wrench and allow the old coolant to drain completely into the bucket. Pour the old coolant into a sealable container for properly disposal later.
Close the drain plug and fill the radiator with distilled water. Next, open the drain plug and let the distilled water flow into the bucket. Repeat this process on the Nissan Pathfinder's radiator until the water runs debris free out the drain plug.
Dispose of the flushed water solution properly and close the drain plug. Fill the radiator with fresh coolant until it's about an inch from overflowing from the top of the radiator.
Start the Nissan Pathfinder and turn the heater setting to high. Allow it to run like this for about 10 minutes. Turn the engine off and check the coolant level. If the coolant level decreased, add more coolant. Finally, put the radiator cap back on and close the hood of the Pathfinder.
Tips & Warnings
Use extreme caution when flushing a radiator, because the radiator can erupt and injure anyone nearby.
Be extremely careful with the coolant, as it's toxic to people and pets.
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